Jon Sepler, Summer 1975Through the partnership with the center, SEPPY’S ALL-STARS brings a year round recreational program to the community.  This stand-alone rec program features an all-summer day-camp, as well as after-school sports and activities.  Over 200 at-risk kids, ages 6-18, participate annually in SEPPY’S ALL-STARS.

Many in the community have participated as both campers and counselors, going the distance with SEPPY’S ALL-STARS.  A real tradition has been established, with some kids nostalgic about their first years, and others fresh out of the gate, ready to start.

After-school and all summer, SEPPY’S ALL-STARS continues to thrive as a community based program.  This program gives at-risk kids (and families) new options, opportunities and adventures. 

SEPPY’S ALL-STARS is a fitting legacy for Jon Sepler, as it taps into his life as a camper, teammate, mentor, and friend.